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Making the difference: Flexing for disability

Making the difference event graphic

Tuesday 8th November; 10am – 11.15am

Virtual Workshop

To enable your employees to realise their potential, both during the recruitment process and in the workplace, they must be supported. This is particularly true for those individuals who have a disability who, without the required support, may struggle to either gain a job or be able to keep it once they have secured it. However, the process for implementing support isn’t always clear and neither is knowing what support to provide and whether it will work in practice.

This workshop will start by exploring the concept of ‘reasonable adjustments’ and what is meant by this before moving on to look at what best practice looks like in terms of working with an individual to put the support in place that they will benefit from.

Delegates will then hear from those who benefit from support and adjustments in the workplace including from those with a sensory impairment, manage poor mental health and who have a physical disability.

The workshop will be delivered in an interactive style and will provide the delegates with plenty of opportunity to ask questions including from those providing insights in to their support.



  • Understanding ‘reasonable adjustments’

    • Our legal duty

  • Implementing support and adjustments

    • During recruitment

    • In the workplace

  • Adjustments in practice

    • First- hand insights



Matthew Hands photo

Matthew Hands

Matthew joined Morgan Stanley as a Technology graduate in August 2016 having successfully completed a year-long Industrial Placement with the firm whilst studying for his degree in Computer Science from the University of York. He has had Right Hemiplegia since birth which makes lots of day to day tasks, walking long distances and performing office tasks like typing or writing notes more challenging for him. As such Matthew has required multiple operations on his right arm and leg throughout his lifetime, and has continued to undertake Physiotherapy into adulthood.

Matthew has held two roles during his tenure with Morgan Stanley; the first within the firm’s Reliability & Production Engineering division managing Foreign Exchange Trading platforms from a technical stand-point, liaising with traders, clients and developers to ensure that system issues are resolved quickly and efficiently with minimal impact to the firm or its clients; crucially ensuring that repeat issues are avoided. In December 2019, Matthew took advantage of internal mobility within the firm, joining it’s Identity and Access Management fleet as a developer to work on our next generation login and authentication systems for client facing applications. Outside of his core responsibilities Matthew manages an apprentice and enjoys taking an active role within Graduate Recruitment for Morgan Stanley, not only as an interviewer and a mentor but also as an pro-inclusivity adviser to the firm’s entire graduate assessment process.

Headshot of Dr Sally Hemming

Dr Sally Hemming

Dr Sally Hemming is EY’s UK Health and Wellbeing lead. She has worked in HR for 20+ years and has extensive experience supporting workers with health challenges. Sally has a technical interest in workplace support for workers with long-term health problems and completed her doctorate at Loughborough University. She is most known for her research into workplace self-management support, COVID19 recovery and publishes in the scientific and HR literature.

Headshot of Alex Wiggins

Alex Wiggins

Alex is a Talent Acquisition Program Manager at Bank of America. Following an illness in 2016 Alex was diagnosed with SSHL (Sudden Sensory Hearing Loss), tinnitus and hyperacusis in his right ear, which worsened over time. How he manages his conditions therefore varies, to meet his needs and the working environment of his employer.

Alex developed his hearing impairments whilst with a previous employer who were supportive from the start and has had a similar experience with Bank of America who he joined in summer 2022. Many of the adjustments for the workplace discussed at the offer and employee-on-boarding stage were ready to go from day one. The welcome he received from their employee disability network (DAN) and the impression he gained from those early conversations and interviews has given him confidence that this is somewhere where he can develop and feel welcome and supported.

MyPlus Recruiters’ Club Platinum and Gold members are entitled to 2 complimentary places. Additional complimentary places may be available depending on room capacity, with priority being given to Platinum members.

MyPlus Recruiters’ Club Silver members are entitled to 2 complimentary places. Additional places may be purchased by Silver members at a reduced price of £50 +VAT

Non-members may purchase places at a price of £95 + VAT.

Contact to purchase places or to find out more about joining the Recruiters’ Club.

MyPlus run a variety of these types of events for employers. For details of the different types visit our events page. For details of forthcoming Recruiters’ Club events taking place visit our employer events calendar page.