Case Studies

Recruitment Audit

MyPlus and Motability Operations: creating a more diverse workforce

Motability Operations set out to make themselves an employer of choice for disabled people, they turned to MyPlus for help. Following our in-depth recruitment audit, the company has actioned a number of changes that have contributed to a significant rise in the number of disabled employees.

Read more about the MyPlus and Motability Operations Recruitment Audit Case Study


MyPlus Recruiters’ Club Membership

MyPlus and Herbert Smith Freehills: encouraging disclosure

Herbert Smith Freehills logo

MyPlus is working with MyPlus Recruiters’ Club Platinum member Herbert Smith Freehills to build on their strong track record of diverse recruitment be encouraging greater disclosure - a vital step to creating a more inclusive work environment.

Read more about Herbert Smith Freehills MyPlus Recruiters’ Club Membership Case Study.